
Your Position: Home > QiYi SAIL 3x3x3 Magic Cube Black 60mm >Review
Average Rating: 5 stars 5  (Total 4 customer reviews)
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Anonymous user

03:38:33 02/26/2020

Great cube for only 3 dollar


07:10:36 04/08/2019

these are for modding, at least almost everyone buys them for modding, they work great for that because the pieces go very far into the puzzle and it's just slightly bigger then a normal puzzle so it makes it easier to do fine details. I like them a lot and would buy more for mods


00:19:19 03/19/2018

Just bought another one because it is a great cube for this price! (3.55). Nice and smooth turning. I like it. J2018


01:17:27 05/14/2017

Love this cube. Smooth turning. For 4 dollars, it is very very good cube. J2017

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